About Me

Hi, I'm Brindy! I thought I'd share a little about myself. An Arizona native, I grew up on a 3 acre pseudo "farm" in south Tempe. With 2 brothers, 2 sisters and every animal imaginable, there was never a dull moment! Growing up in such a home had a great influence on me and helped instill a profound love for animals and the outdoors.

My husband Steve and I have been married almost 10 years. We have lived in AZ all of our marriage.. and while he and I always dream of acquiring acreage, we are quite happy in our chandler home where we have lived for about 6 years. We have 4 children..  2 boys/2 girls, ages 3 months, 2, 4, and 6. I am grateful to be able to stay home with them.. they are some of my bestest buds and keep my days fun and exciting!!

Some of my favorite hobbies include riding horses, snowboarding, hiking, kayaking, biking, camping, "off roading,".. pretty much anything where i can enjoy beautiful scenery. My enjoyment of all of these hobbies has been magnified lately as I've been able to share them with my children as well. We bring them along on pretty much all our adventures and its been fun to see their interests blossom. They have already inherited my love for animals and you'd be surprised to learn we're not on a farm with all the critters we have at our house.. It keeps things fun though and feels more like home to me!

Anyways, my favorite color is sage green, my favorite "food" is ice cream.. I like to think of myself as "frugal" but if you ask my husband he'll say I've turned "being cheap" into a sport.. so whenever there's a chance for free anything, you can bet i'm there dressed as a cow, pirate.. whatever it takes!:) and.. I guess that's kindve me in a nutshell! I'm kinda goofy, but also kinda shy.. so I'm happy to be sharing a bit of myself through this blog!

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